Monday, December 6, 2010

One Late December Evening

My first entry!!! Isn't this exciting?! Just kidding, not really lol. 

So everyone's getting ready for Christmas.  I've got most of my stuff done.  The really big idea I have is this picture idea (I can't go into details...never know who's reading =) so last week, David and I went around Claremore taking pictures.  It was a ton of fun!  Here is some of the evidence:

This actually has nothing to do with the Christmas present idea.  This was just us having fun lol. 

You know, getting ready for Christmas is making me think of what an interesting year I've had so far.  So many things I've done I thought I would never do.  And that's not a bad thing.  Some really incredible things have happened to me this year.  I don't regret a single one. 

I'm working a lot this week.  Today and tomorrow I'm at Sequoyah.  Wednesday I'm at the Votech.  Thursday I'm back at Sequoyah.  So far I'm not working Friday.  David and I are taking Christmas pictures on Friday.  I haven't set a specific time for that yet, I don't think.  Maybe I should go ahead and go for later in the afternoon just to be safe.  Well now I'm just rambling.  Until next time!
